Because training should be fun!
Solve Max Mazes in 3 different ways:
- Hold maze in hand and solve it
- Put the maze in the mazeholder and solve it while standing in push up position
- Put the maze in the mazeholder, hang the mazeholder up on the rope and solve it while pulling up
Each maze has challenges (cruxes) to overcome. Try to find a way through the mazes by practicing with the maze in your hands. When you have figured it out, you are ready for the next step. Can you solve it while pushing up? And while pulling up? Solving the maze gets harder with every step.
- Train balance and coordination while solving in hand
- Train core strength, strength endurance and stability when solving in push up position
- Train pull up strength, endurance and balance when solving while pulling up
Do you have what it takes? can you stay focused when fatigue kicks in?
Maze difficulty rating: (1=easy, 2 normal, 3 challenging, 4 very hard, 5 impossible?)
Start 2 Maze 1-2/5 (precision endurance)
Booster Ball 2/5 (speed)
Flushed away 3/5 (endurance and speed precision)
Booby Trap 3/5 (precision and endurance)
Mountain Pass 4/5 (stability and control)
More mazes to come... be prepared
Combo pack includes:
- Rope 2.5m
- Rope adjuster
- 3 Mazes
- Mazeholder (wood)
- Plastic lock to attach the rope to Mazeholder
- 3 metal balls
Start 2 Maze combo includes:
- Rope 2.5m
- Rope adjuster
- 1 Maze (start2maze)
- Mazeholder (wood)
- Plastic lock to attach the rope to Mazeholder
- 1 metal balls
You can also buy the mazes separately here.